Hello dear readers, with this article we will leave you for a little while. But for a few editions only. In a short while we will "read" again. Today we will take a closer look at ecological building construction and natural building materials. The trend towards natural and ecological building construction becomes very common. We think it is because since the 50s and 60s, more and more chemical substances have taken place in our lives and in our rooms. As a result, many diseases such as allergies, skin diseases or cancer occure much more often today. Since the majority of people stay about 90% of their time indoors, it is even more important to create a healthy environment. For ecological constructions in general only natural materials such as clay, brick, wood, paints and adhesives of vegetable origin are used. Choosing the right building materials has a significant influence to the healthy indoor climate and the well-being in buildings. Natural, environmentally friendly and sustainable construction technologies should come together with alternative and renewable energy production. Even a part of it is the use of used water, such as the waste water from shower, tub and washing machine for garden irrigation and toilet flushing. For hot water and for heating the rooms, possibilities of solar and pellet heating, heat recovery with heat pumps and more are existing. Beside the important aspect of protecting the environment money is saved. Not only for new construction projects, even though for renovations the aspects of energy and building biology should be taken into account for existing problems are not strengthened. in the example the pollution in the interior may increase by exhalations of some modern building materials. Energy can be saved by using natural materials, pollution could be reduced and indoor climate could be improved. In principle, ecological construction can start with very little repair works. Products like colors or coatings containing allergy-promoting substances or chemical solvents should be avoided. Natural colors without solvents and natural mineral-based colors are a bit more expensive, but such material can be used even in sensitive areas such as in childrens rooms. For the floor, there are also natural solutions such as solid wood, linoleum, cork or natural fiber carpet. The interior walls can be done very nice by using clay or lime plaster, wall glazing, or wall paint on silicate or natural resins. The following terms will encounter from time to time, therefore we give with a brief description: Biological and ecological building (bioconstrucción) are hereby designated Models which characterize the use of environmentally friendly or neutral materials. Biology (biologia de la construcción); is the name of the entire planning area which of the holistic doctrine of "common construction and housing deals to possible pollution-free and environmentally friendly building. Sustainable Construction (arquitectura sostenible) begins with the planning, the use of existing natural conditions, so, that the burden of the construction project for the environment and residents will be minimized. A simple tip at the end, all what bothers the nose and the sense of smell should not be processed. We wish you good health. Your team of architects, the consultants for everything that is connected to buildings and building construction.